It’s Thanksgiving once again! For us, like many others, that means family, friends and feasting.

While the majority of us living in the Los Angeles area plan to enjoy the holiday with our loved ones, other people are planning for a more nefarious activity this weekend… Burglary.

Thieves know that a ton of people travel over national holidays, and that means that there will be plenty of houses for the picking. That is, unless savvy citizens take a few precautions to deter the would-be thieves from gorging themselves on the potential smorgasbord of valuables in their unoccupied homes.

If nothing else, burglars are opportunists, and the prefer to work as secretly as possible. If you plan to head out for a few days this holiday weekend, you might want to get some automatic timers for your lights – especially your porch light! While lights typically indicate that someone is home, a porch light that is on 24/7 screams vacancy.

Also, contact the post office and newspaper (if you receive one) and let them know to hold delivery until you’ve returned. Another red flag for burglars is seeing several newspapers near the front door that haven’t been picked up.

If you plan to stay close to home, remember to stay safe. If you choose to consume alcohol at a holiday gathering, do not drink and drive. Law enforcement agencies from Los Angeles to Ventura and all up and down California will be on the lookout for those who choose to drive while under the influence of alcohol. Make sure you’re not one of them.

No matter what, enjoy yourself. From the Adventure Bail Bonds family to yours, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!