It’s almost March 17th, St. Patrick’s day and that means that partygoers of all kinds around Los Angeles County are gearing up this weekend, (with crazy glasses, t-shirts, green socks and hats) and heading out and celebrate.

You may be pretty familiar with the festivities surrounding this particular holiday by now; green beer, shamrocks, parades and delicious Irish food.

While this is all pretty much general knowledge, here are a few more fun facts about St. Patrick’s Day:

  • Shamrocks are traditionally worn on the lapel on St. Patrick’s Day. The shamrock became associated with this holiday because, legend has it, St. Patrick used the three-leafed plant to teach the local Irish about the Holy Trinity.
  • Despite all the green you’ll be seeing this weekend, the color associated with St. Patrick is actually blue. Green wasn’t adopted until the 19th century. According to Irish legend, green was the color worn by fairies and immortals, as well as those hoping for a good harvest.
  • According to the US census in 2003, there are 34 million Americans who claim Irish descent. Ireland itself only has 4.1 million people.
  • Our first President, George Washington, claimed Irish descent, as well as 9 signers of the Declaration of Independence.

St. Patrick’s Day has a lot of history, as do the Irish people both back on the Emerald Isle and their descendants here in the US.

St. Patrick’s Day is also synonymous with drinking. Guinness, black and tans and green beer are a big part of this annual celebration.

Make sure this March 17th is safe for you and your loved ones. Observe caution if you decide to consume alcohol and follow safe travel practices as there will be several DUI Checkpoints in and around the city of Los Angeles.

From us at Adventure Bail Bonds to you, have a safe and happy St. Patrick’s Day!