st_patricks_day_dui_assistance_tshirtSt. Patrick’s Day is this Sunday, March 17th. A day of fun, celebration, parades and great food and drink. But how did this Irish celebration all begin?

St. Patrick was born in what is now known as Kilpatrick, Scotland in 387 AD. Some stories say that when he was 16 years old, Patrick was abducted by a roving group of Irish marauders and taken to Ireland where he was sold into slavery and purchased by a local chieftan.

Day in and day out, St. Patrick tended to his master’s flocks of sheep and prayed whenever he had the chance. St. Patrick describes in his “Confessio” that, as he prayed, the Holy Spirit began to grow stronger and stronger in his heart, ultimately leading him to escape after 6 years.

Upon returning home, St. Patrick threw himself into his studies, eventually becoming an ordained priest. St. Patrick went on to spread Christianity to the Irish, helping to abolish their old druidic religion and would later become the Patron Saint of Ireland.

Today, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated the world over by both Irish and non-Irish. Traditionally, revelers will wear green and attend parties and festivals in honor of St. Patrick’s life and his work in bringing Catholicism to the Irish.

Celebration typically consists of attending parades and parties, as well as copious amounts of drinking. Unfortunately, the drinking often leads to a spike in DUI’s, as well as ot her offenses including assault.

It’s extremely important to remember that, while celebrating, one must do their best to keep themselves and others safe during the Holiday. Always plan ahead to have a designated driver if you plan to drink, or even skip driving altogether and take a taxi.

No matter what you choose to do, have a safe and happy St. Patrick’s Day from all of us here at Adventure Bail Bonds.