Justin Bieber has had troubles with his neighbors for quite some time now.

Police have been called on numerous occasions for a number of things, from loud parties to Bieber and his friends driving down the street of his Calabasas neighborhood at dangerous speeds.

Calabasas, north of Los Angeles, is a neighborhood where many celebrities and ex-athletes live to avoid the constant media attention garnered in Hollywood.

Recently, authorities searched Justin Bieber’s home to look for evidence that would link him to the egging of his neighbor’s home.

The neighbor reported to police that Justin Bieber and some accomplices had egged his house, causing thousands of dollars in damage. When police raided the home, Justin was “neither arrested nor exonerated” for the crime, according to law enforcement officials.

However, friend and rapper Lil’ Za was arrested during the raid when detectives discovered what originally appeared to be cocaine “in plain view” of officers conducting the search. Since the arrest, law enforcement has claimed that the drug “appeared” to be cocaine, and a determination cannot be complete until the substance has been sent to a lab for testing.

According to the neighbor’s complaint, the damage inflicted during the egging could be up to $20,000. If evidence is found implicating Bieber in the egging, it could very well be charged as a felony, since the damage done is estimated to be over $950.