LAPD Sting Operation Targets Cash-For-Gold Stores in Los Angeles

Gold is a precious metal that is always in demand. With the price of gold going up, as well as the burglary rate in Los Angeles, a recent LAPD sting operation targeted cash-for-gold stores in Los Angeles who allegedly knew they were buying stolen property. Initially, the operation begun with officers listening in on a [...]

Palms Intersection is Fomenting Anger Among the Populace

The intersection of National Blvd. and Motor Ave. in Palms, California has become a point of contention between the locals in the area and the LAPD. In an attempt to reduce traffic in certain areas, traffic-calming measures have been deployed all over the city. The aim is to discourage drivers from using certain streets and [...]

Volunteers in Malibu get the Green Light to Issue Parking Citations

Recently, Los Angeles Police Department volunteers in Malibu, California have gotten the green-light to issue parking citations. This marks the first time ever that volunteer officers have been able to issue citations under the program. There are ten volunteers total, each patrolling in groups of two. The teams provide a minimum of 16 hours of [...]