Bail agents typically don’t get very involved in a bail hearing – that’s for the defendant and their legal counsel to handle. As such, the following information is not a substitute for actual legal advice from a qualified attorney. Instead, the tips below can be helpful tools to point you in the right direction or to help get things together during what is often an extremely stressful time (arrest and court dates).

Tip # 1 Hire an Experienced Attorney

When it comes to anything related to the law and courts, whether it’s criminal law or something else, your best bet is to begin by hiring an experienced attorney. An attorney with experience in bail-related issues is much more likely to be able to negotiate a lower bail cost or O.R. release than someone else.

Tip # 2 Gather Up Positive Character References

Your lawyer may ask you to provide several positive character witnesses to help you with your case. It can be helpful to start thinking of who you may want to speak on your behalf, and ask them if they’re willing.

Tip # 3 Be Respectful

No matter how you feel about the charges, your reputation, or the situation you’re in, the court room is not the place to voice your displeasure. Clean up and have someone bring you some nice clothes (if possible). Always speak respectfully to the judge no matter what is being asked; remember, you’re asking for leniency in some way and you’re being judged on your character. This is your opportunity to put your best foot forward.

Your attorney will probably have a lot of other tips and information regarding your bail hearing and how you should compose yourself. Bail hearings are common, and judges are often open to hearing a defendant’s side of the case.