LAPD Arrests Identity Theft Suspect

A hospital worker believed to have stolen the identifying information of patients where he worked was arrested recently after trying to buy Clippers tickets. The suspect, J. Shannon, was arrested on suspicion of identity theft after trying to buy the season tickets using the stolen bank information of a patient. Investigators have said that the [...]

Alleged House Thief Arrested in San Gabriel Valley

Most of the time, you hear about a thief stealing from a house. This time, the thief allegedly stole entire houses. After an investigation by local detectives, a warrant issued on September 1 lead to the arrest of an alleged house thief in San Gabriel Valley. V.H. Ho was arrested at about 6:30 am at [...]

South Bay Identity Theft Charges Pressed

A South Bay business owner is being charged with seven counts of misdemeanor identity theft after allegedly double-charging customers who wrote negative online reviews of his companies. According to reports, Steve Yojin Yun, the owner of two maid service companies, allegedly contacted customers who wrote negative reviews of his maid services and asked them if [...]