Bail Bonds for Boating Under the Influence

No motor vehicle should be operated while under the influence of alcohol - including watercraft! Bail bonds for boating under the influence aren't always necessary. It depends on the nature of the crime and whether or not the individual was charged with a misdemeanor or a felony. Regardless, California Harbors and Navigation Code 655 HN [...]

West Hollywood Robbery Charges

When someone is arrested on West Hollywood robbery charges, they will be taken to the West Hollywood Sheriff's Station where they will undergo booking and processing. The procedure includes having the arrestee's fingerprints recorded, photographs taken and conducting a national background check. Once complete, bail will be set and the defendant will remain at the [...]

Facebook Fail – From Posting Pictures to Posting Bail

A misguided Ohio couple recently found themselves incarcerated in lieu of $250,000 bail and facing robbery charges after posting pictures of themselves with stolen cash on Facebook. It all started when the tattoeed John Mogan and his girlfriend Ashley Duboe decided to make some quick money by robbing a bank. On paper, their plan appeared to [...]