Recent Rise in Residential Burglaries Leads LAPD to Form Task Force

Early 2017 has seen a spike in the residential burglaries of celebrity homes in and around the Los Angeles area. Dubbed "knock-knock" burglaries, these, and other, home invasions all share some similar traits. A "knock-knock" burglary is pretty simple: thieves will walk up to the door and knock, if nobody appears to be home, they will [...]

Woman Sentenced for Anti-Trump Graffiti

The woman sentenced for anti-Trump graffiti received over 100 days in jail. Victoria Jayne Bay, 37, pleaded guilty to one count of felony vandalism for spray painting anti-trump graffiti on the Hall of Justice, the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center, the Hall of Records and the county's Central Heating and Refrigeration Plant. The full [...]