Woodland Hills Temple Vandalism Seen as Hate Crime

On July 14, Bastille Day for some, Sunday for Americans, a man walked up to the Hebrew Discovery Center in Woodland Hills and splashed white paint on the front of their building. As of now, the suspect is still in the loose, though rumors are going around that investigators found a fingerprint on a discarded [...]

Los Angeles Man Faces Possible Attempted Murder Charge

On the morning of Wednesday, December 5th, a homeless man in Los Angeles was caught on security camera pushing an unsuspecting pedestrian in front of a moving truck. The disturbing footage shows the suspect seated on a bench minding his own business. When a female pedestrian walks by, the suspect made an "aggressive move" and [...]

Driver Sought in Hit-and-Run Fatality on November 21

On November 21, 79-year-old Marilyn Joy Haight stopped at a grocery store near the intersection of Pioneer Blvd. at Lindale Street in Norwalk to pick up supplies for the next day's Thanksgiving celebration. Minutes after leaving the store, LASD deputies at the Norwalk station began receiving reports that a woman was hit by a moving [...]