Under California’s Three Strikes Law, a person who is convicted of committing three violent or serious felonies, the defendant will face a sentence of 25 years to life in prison.

California Penal Code 1192.7 PC lists the crimes considered to be serious felonies.

  • Murder PC 187
  • Mayhem PC 203
  • Rape PC 261
  • Sodomy PC 286
  • Attempted Murder PC 664/187(a)
  • Any felony punishable by death or imprisonment for life
  • Assault with the intent to commit rape or robbery PC 240
  • Arson PC 451
  • Any 1st degree burglary PC 459
  • Robbery PC 211
  • Kidnapping PC 207
  • Any felony where the defendant personally used a dangerous and/or deadly weapon
  • Grand Theft involving a firearm PC 487
  • Assault with Caustic Chemicals PC 244
  • Carjacking PC 215

This is not an exhaustive list of all of the relevant crimes found under PC 1192.7. Here is a full list of the serious felonies in California. Keep in mind, 1192.7 PC is not an actual law that makes a certain thing illegal. It just lists crimes considered to be serious felonies in California.

Even with these crimes, bail is not necessarily withheld. When it is withheld, it’s usually because the defendant is deemed to be a risk to the public or flight if let out of custody. When it is not withheld, bail is usually very expensive for these offenses as they are  quite serious.

Interestingly, some of these crimes are also “wobblers” that can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the circumstances of the particular incident. Those crimes include assault with a deadly weapon, battery on a custodial officer, criminal street gang activity, criminal threats, dissuading a witness, vehicular manslaughter without gross negligence. When these crimes are charged as misdemeanors, they do not also qualify as serious felonies. However, when charged as felonies, they are considered serious.

If you need to get someone out of jail who has been suspected of committing a serious felony, you’ll need to make sure they are eligible for bail. A bail bondsman on our staff can always help. Should you have any bail questions, feel free to call us any time.